mad4lit Coming in

MAD4lit (Moms and dads for literacy)

MAD4LIT is a nonprofit organization established to provide a parental support network for preschool children’s moms and dads to promote positive parenting around literacy and improve kindergarten readiness for children nationally. MAD4LIT empowers parents, promotes equity in policy, and facilitates a needed paradigm shift to improve the quality of parents and children’s literacy-related engagement, thus optimizing children’s academic outcomes in preparation for formal school.

mad4lit foundation

The MAD4LIT Foundation was established to financially sustain efforts to (1) promote successful academic support to parents through a parent homework support hotline (2) give parents access to a repository of recorded audio and video files on specific literacy content and (3) support policy initiatives. Policy interests include the following: national compulsory attendance laws, a universal definition of kindergarten readiness, enhancement of literacy initiatives for Head Start, and lowering the age requirement of preschool attendance so children can adequately meet benchmarks that promote cognitive stimulation and literacy-focused growth at various stages of their development.
